The LA synagogue violence stems from the same revolutionary global ecosystem that gave us BLM

The LA synagogue violence stems from the same revolutionary global ecosystem that gave us BLM

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Think of the violent mob that called for a bloody revolution. Los Angeles Synagogue Was what happened on Sunday merely a grassroots movement that emerged spontaneously?

think again.

The protesters are being generously funded and expertly trained by the same anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Western puppet-masters who foisted the Black Lives Matter slogan upon us a decade ago.

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This is all part of a vast web, a revolutionary ecosystem, that stretches across the world from Havana to Shanghai and coordinates and nurtures these protests, often violent, always threatening.

These and other findings are included in a report special Report Which Mary Mobley and I published this week at the Heritage Foundation.

In it, we break down the revolutionary ecosystem into four interrelated components:

1. Activist organizations that plan and carry out protests.

2. Financial sponsors who give legal coverage to these organizations and provide them with transparency.

3. Donors, often with deep pockets, who provide funding to activist organizations through fiscal sponsors.

4. Radical media groups that promote protests and propagate them on social media, and also regularly spread propaganda for US adversaries such as China, Cuba or Russia.

Well-known examples of the activist groups we examined are American Muslims for Palestine (AMP); Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP); the Palestinian Youth Movement; CodePink; the People’s Forum; and the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) coalition.

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The violent protesters who surrounded the Adas Torah synagogue on Sunday and attacked followers attempting to enter, for example, were organized by Codepink and the Palestinian Youth Movement, groups financially sponsored and funded by the ecosystem.

Financial sponsors discussed include Alliance for Global Justice; Tides Foundation; Westchester Peace Action Committee (WESPAC); Common Council Foundation; Thousand Currents, etc. Donors are also well-known: George Soros’ Open Society Foundations: Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Grassroots International, etc.

Some of the radical media groups we examined are less well-known: BT Media; Common Dreams; Grayzone; and Tricontinental.

“Social Justice” in America and the Americas Political Map of the Middle East These two issues are not connected, but as we show, most of these organizations have coordinated protests for BLM, as they did for protests in support of Hamas. Or they have financially supported groups in both movements, donating millions of dollars to them, or promoting their message on social media.

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With BLM, many of them were there from the beginning, and participated in some form in the 2014 riots in Ferguson, Missouri. George Floyd riots Of 2020.

No donor, sponsor or media group in the ecosystem focuses solely on race or the Middle East. “Rather, they opportunistically leverage these concerns when they appear in the news, in order to advance a long-term agenda that is often openly anti-capitalist and anti-democratic,” as we stated in our report.

In this context we need to understand what AMP leader Osama Abu Irshad meant when he told “Israel is just another structure in an imperialist project… We are going to take back America,” or when an activist for the ANSWER Coalition said at a camp held at George Washington University in April. said in a protest The march stated that the goal of the protests was to “get rid of America, get rid of the West”.

They also have no concern for the atrocities against Muslims that fuel their pro-Hamas efforts. Media outlets and their officials routinely ignore or downplay this fact. Even the denial Massacre of 1100 Muslim Uighurs In China’s Xinjiang province, an outrage that has somehow failed to attract campus attention.

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Given how deeply BLM has changed our culture — not for the better, we would argue — this ecosystem should interest our policymakers. And if it doesn’t get their attention, perhaps the involvement of China, Cuba, and Venezuela might.

Americans have not pressured their leaders to take action because the media ignores the ecosystem and presents the protests as spontaneous outpourings of support for these causes. We have seen this before. Google the words “racial reckoning” and you will get the idea 300,000 resultsWhen you search “national census” on Google, the results jump to 650,000.

in his 19 May speech Before the graduating class of Morehouse College, President Joe Biden once again repeated the well-worn adage “racial reckoning.”

This is an assessment that includes at least Chinese characteristics and Cuban rhythms. According to several sources, including a very good study done by the Network Contagion and Research Institute (NCRI), many groups in the ecosystem are originally funded by capital donated by Shanghai-based Neville Roy Singham.

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NCRI Report Singham and his wife, Jodie Evans, co-founder of the activist group CodePink, have been described as “a power couple within the global left-wing movement with close ties to the CCP, or Chinese Communist Party.”

On the fateful night of April 30, hours before protesters violently took over Columbia’s Hamilton Hall, demonstrators had gathered at the office of the Singham-funded People’s Forum. Midtown Manhattan for a breakout session on “Resistance.”

There, the leader of the group, Manolo de los Santos Castro style given He urged protesters to repeat the 2020 riots. He said, “Make it impossible for normal politics to occur in this country.”

De los Santos previously Posted on Instagram, “When we defeat Israel and the American empire, we will…know how to end capitalism in the United States.”

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Where did he learn to speak like that? de los Santos is training Lived in Cuba for years, and led BLM groups and other radicals to the communist-ruled island.

None of what we’ve seen has happened by chance. Like BLM, it’s all leftist astroturf.

To read more from Mike Gonzalez, click here


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