The mindless elite were wrong about the Trump-Harris debate, and now we know why

The mindless elite were wrong about the Trump-Harris debate, and now we know why

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As the dust settles after the first debate President Donald Trump And in the case of Vice President Kamala Harris, the political elite are failing to understand how miserably Harris failed to achieve her objectives.

Nothing better demonstrates the gap between reality and our political elites (including many prominent Republicans) than the way they completely misunderstood what happened in the confrontation between the ABC News-Harris team and their sole opponent, President Trump.

Every Trump supporter and independent noticed the astonishing dishonesty of ABC’s moderators (who were actually active debaters helping Harris take on President Trump). Their reaction has been outrage and, in some cases, condemnation of ABC and Vice President Harris.

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One observer told me, “They didn’t need to give her the questions; she was clearly giving them the questions.” The fact that one of her closest friends is also in charge of ABC News further reinforced to many Americans that everything was set up and the whole thing was rigged.

Trump’s base is the 48 percent of Americans who feel a corrupt system is trying to control their lives and rob them. ABC News This blatant rigging has confirmed everything they already believed and placed Harris firmly in the corrupt establishment wing. Traveling through three airports on Thursday, I was greeted by dozens of people who were angry about the debate and deeply offended by how stupid Harris thought they were.

The truth is that authenticity is better than wearing a mask. Being yourself is better than trying to be the person your advisors have trained you to be. This has always been true in American politics.

Harris further hurt himself by spending a large portion of his listening time making faces and looking cute. This was the behavior of a spoiled teenager, not a commander-in-chief.

The elite value style over substance. They want everyone to behave as if they were at a Washington cocktail party.

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Most Americans are not that arrogant. Most Americans do not like well-dressed, smart people, treating them as if they are ignorant and unable to understand when they are being tricked and lied to.

The simple fact is this: Vice President Harris Can’t tell the truth, because honestly admitting her beliefs and the failures of the last three and a half years would ruin her campaign. The ABC team did everything possible to prevent President Trump from telling the truth about her. The most egregious example was that there is no state where babies can be abandoned to die after birth. That was a blatant lie. The truth is that at least eight babies have been abandoned to die after abortions in Tim Walz’s Minnesota. That’s a matter of public record. If you want a vice president who advocates infanticide, “Tampon Tim” is the guy for you.

His attraction to President Trump’s supporters, who have stuck with him through every circumstance, is precisely that he is not an ineffectual, sycophantic, dishonest and manipulative fool from the ruling class. Remember, they have stuck with him through the Russia hoax, years of investigations, two impeachments, multiple trials and outrageous attacks by the left-wing propaganda media.

You may like him or dislike him, admire him or despise him, but what you get is the authentic Trump.

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So, we had a debate between the privileged, protected elitist princess of the left and a practical man who people understand. It’s not that President Trump can’t function in high society and country clubs. He owns country clubs (Callista and I sometimes see him at Trump National in Washington). He can afford as many tuxedos as any politician in the country. But he’s a normal guy who never hides who he really is.

The truth is that authenticity is better than wearing a mask. Being yourself is better than trying to be the person your advisors have trained you to be. This has always been true in American politics.

The elites completely misunderstood the outcome of the debate, because they valued style over substance. Moreover, they expected and accepted that ABC would be dishonest, one-sided, and arrogantly offensive. As elites, they thought an outsider like President Trump deserved such treatment.

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The great genius of the Founding Fathers was the understanding that freedom ultimately depends on all people—not just the elite. Furthermore, Abraham Lincoln’s Warning “It remains true even today that with popular sentiment anything is possible. Without popular sentiment nothing is possible.”

As the polls come out and it turns out that Trump’s authenticity and substance outshine the dishonesty and over-trained style of the ABC-Harris team, go back and read the columns and quotes from people who completely misunderstood what happened. Pay attention to who do not understand the intelligence of the American people.

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“Never underestimate the intelligence of the American people, nor overestimate the amount of information they have,” warned legendary Democratic political consultant Joe Napolitan.

On Tuesday night, Vice President Harris underestimated the intelligence of the people she seeks to lead. Then she compounded her mistake by letting them know just how bad a president she would be.

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