‘Tribals should be equal to others…I am sure the state government will focus on them’ | Bhubaneswar News

‘Tribals should be equal to others…I am sure the state government will focus on them’ | Bhubaneswar News

What has been your experience? Odisha As yet?
Odisha has immense potential for development and progress. The people of Odisha are known for their hardworking nature, simplicity and humility. These qualities, combined with the inherent advantages of the state, create fertile ground for development. Development It is important in all fields. It has all the necessary components to emerge as a highly developed state.The untapped potential of the region, coupled with the right strategies and initiatives, can make Odisha one of the most developed states.
You toured the state extensively before the elections. What did you find out?
See, I extensively toured all the 30 districts of the state and found that there was a deep sense of disappointment and discontent among the people towards the current government. It became evident that the initiatives and programmes of the state government had failed to make a meaningful impact at the grassroots level. The implementation of government schemes was biased, leading to unequal distribution of benefits among the masses. Moreover, corruption had become widespread, further reducing the effectiveness of government initiatives.
If you were the Chief Minister here, how would you work differently?
There was a lack of basic necessities. People were deprived of electricity, roads and water. There is a huge shortage of teachers in schools. I saw students sitting on the floor in primary schools. During my visits to the district, people often complained about the shortage of teachers. It is the responsibility of every government to meet the shortage of teachers. Education and basic Health careTo ensure that doctors are available for treatment. Our people do not demand much. Their needs are very small. Their demands are very basic. It was the government’s responsibility to fulfill those demands. But the previous government did not do so.
What are your expectations from the new BJP government here?
It is not just my view. All the people of Odisha have great hopes and aspirations from the new government. I am confident that it will live up to the expectations of the people. I am sure that the government will protect and promote Odia identity, Odia culture and fulfil the aspirations of the people. Every native of Odisha is proud to be an Odia. In the villages, the government needs to ensure basic needs. There should be teachers in schools. The government should ensure safe drinking water for the people. There should be adequate irrigation facilities in the state. Odisha has three ports and 12 major rivers. During my tour, when I used to meet farmers, they used to tell me that there are no irrigation facilities.
What are your suggestions?
Instead of big dams, we should build small irrigation projects. More and more check dams should be built and focus should be given to lift and drift irrigation. Such projects will take less time to complete and farmers will start getting benefits soon. They will be in a position to take two to three crops in a year. Right now they are mostly dependent on one crop in a year. Because of this, migration is a big problem. If there are two to three crops, then migration will stop. There should be more cottage industries. Women of self-help groups here make many products. They need proper market linkages. Better packaging and marketing is needed. So that these can be sold all over the world.
What are the challenges ahead? The tribals,
For a long time after India gained independence, the tribals did not develop as they should have. Basic needs like drinking water, motorable roads and electricity were not given the attention they should have received earlier. But in the last 10 years, the tribals have developed on a large scale. The central government is aggressively taking initiatives to ensure healthcare and education for the tribals and electricity in every home. Eklavya schools have brought about a revolution in tribal education. State governments are also making many schemes for them. This is a new government in Odisha. I am sure the state government will pay attention to the tribals. Tribals need to be put at par with others on the parameters of development, so that a developed India can be created.
Where do you see Odisha in the next five years?
We need a stable government for 10 years. A double-engine government has been formed. In the next 10 to 15 years, Odisha will have the potential to become the most developed state of India. Odisha has a lot of potential that has not been tapped. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has talked about the development of eastern India for the development of India… Whether it is Odisha or any other state of eastern India, it is the responsibility of the parties in power to bring about development with the participation of the people. Governments will have to make policies that are effective at the grassroots level. The implementation of schemes should reach the people. There is no dearth of resources in Odisha. The people here are very simple. They are easily satisfied with small things. I appeal to the people of Odisha to think big and dream big. They should expand their horizons further.
Your message for the youth and students?
Youth is the strength of the country. In the last 10 years, the government has been focusing on skill development of youth. There is a demand for skilled workers globally. Opening the Ministry of Skill Development has helped us create a large pool of skilled manpower. Startup India and Standup India and Mudra Yojana have helped empower the youth. The Prime Minister’s call for the youth to become job givers rather than job seekers is fast turning into reality. Unemployment is undoubtedly a problem. But it is impossible to provide government jobs to everyone. That is why, with a long-term vision, Prime Minister Modi focused on initiatives to promote innovation.


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