Trump gets big lead after debate in new polls after Biden’s poor showing

Trump gets big lead after debate in new polls after Biden’s poor showing

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A new national survey reveals that former President Trump’s His lead over President Biden in the 2024 election is growing, following the intense criticism Biden faced last week.

And a poll released Wednesday by The New York Times and Siena College found growing concern that Biden, at 81, the oldest president in the nation’s history, is unable to govern the country effectively.

Confronting Biden It was the most difficult phase of his more than year-long campaign for a second term in the White House, marked by his halting speech and faltering answers. In the debate The meeting with Trump in Atlanta on Thursday sparked widespread uproar in the Democratic Party and demands from political pundits, editorial writers and some party donors that Biden abandon his position as the party’s 2024 flag-bearer.

Additionally, in the past 24 hours, a small but growing number of Democrats in the House have also urged the president to end his reelection bid.

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Joe Biden, Donald Trump

Former President Trump and President Biden debated in Atlanta on Thursday. (Getty Images)

Following the debate fiasco, the president will meet with Democratic governors and congressional leaders on Wednesday evening.

However, Biden’s campaign has repeatedly stressed that the president has no intention of dropping out of the race.

According to the survey, Trump now leads Biden 49%-43% among likely voters nationwide, a three-point tilt toward the presumptive GOP presidential nominee from the previous day. New York Times/Siena College survey This news is from just a week ago.

And Trump’s lead over Biden among the larger group of registered voters is 49%-41%.

Hours after the New York Times/Siena College survey was released, another well-known national poll made similar headlines.

Trump leads Biden 48%-42% among registered voters Wall Street Journal PollThe former president’s lead over the Democratic president in the White House has grown from a double-digit lead in February.

Red flags for Biden in two post-debate surveys released already this week

But beyond the troubling top-line numbers, the polls contained other danger signs for Biden.

80 percent of those polled by The Wall Street Journal said the president was too old to run for a second term. This survey was also conducted after the debate had concluded.

Meanwhile, nearly three-quarters of those polled in the New York Times/Siena College poll considered Biden too old for the job, up five points since the debate.

Concerns about the president’s age rose eight points among Democrats, to 59%. And eight in 10 independents asked also said they consider Biden too old to serve in the White House.

President Biden set fundraising records in June, setting up a 2024 re-election contest with former President Trump

President Biden reacts after speaking at a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, on June 28. (AP Photo/Matt Kelly)

There was a bit of good news for Biden in the survey. He narrowed his lead with Trump among independent voters, but it came at the expense of his lead among Democrats and Trump’s lead among Republicans.

Moreover, the percentage of Democrats who said Biden should no longer be the party’s presidential nominee has risen rather than reached new highs.

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In a statement to Fox News after the New York Times/Siena College survey was released, Biden campaign pollster Molly Murphy argued that the presidential race remains close.

“Both internal and external polls confirm that this race remains incredibly tight, and I agree with the Times that today’s survey will not fundamentally change the course of the race. President Biden continues to erode Trump’s support among independents, and we have work to do to bring our coalition home — while Trump appears unable to expand his,” Murphy wrote.

And pointing to the Biden campaign’s advantage in grassroots efforts, Murphy argued that “the work our campaign is doing on the ground will be critical to winning over voters in a low-trust and divided political environment. Trump’s team is doing virtually none of that work, while also burdened with a toxic agenda for undecided voters. President Biden has work to do, but he will do the work to mobilize around the issues we believe will lead him to victory this November.”

Ahead of the survey’s release Wednesday afternoon, the Biden campaign sent out a new all-staff memo in an effort to assuage concerns about his reelection prospects.

The memo obtained by Fox News highlights internal campaign polling that shows the race with Trump is still close.

Donald Trump

Former President Trump speaks during a campaign event at historic Greenbrier Farms in Chesapeake, Virginia on June 28. (Parker Michels-Boyce/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

“Today we will be looking at some surveys and we want all of you to hear from us what we know internally and what we expect to come out externally,” the memo reads. “Surveys are just a snapshot in time and we should expect them to continue to fluctuate — it will take weeks, not days, to get a full picture of the race.”

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The memo, signed by campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon and campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez, showed internal battleground state polling before and after the debate, revealing that Biden’s performance dropped by half a percentage point during that period.

And pointing to a New York Times poll that was yet to be released at the time the memo was issued, the Biden campaign stressed that “we should all keep in mind that, just last week, the NYT itself acknowledged that they are often the exception in their surveys.”

The survey was conducted after the debate, which ran from June 28 to July 2, asking questions to 1,532 registered voters across the country.

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