Trump vs Biden: 6 reasons why the left is in a total hysterical meltdown

Trump vs Biden: 6 reasons why the left is in a total hysterical meltdown

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Editors note: The following column was first Published on XWhich was formerly known as Twitter.

There are warnings in the media about Donald Trump’s imminent “dictatorship.” Celebrities, Squad and Biden administration The gentleman is busy imagining what terrible things Trump might do to him.

What is the reason for his current growing frenzy?

1. The left thinks they are heading for a historic explosion, like the McGoverns of 1972 or the Carteresques of 1980. And they are terrified by the delay that they can do nothing about the growing dementia of Joe Biden or the terror created by the specter of a presidency or continued power. Vice President Kamala Harris,

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2. It knows that first-term novice Trump’s four years were successful, and now four years later he is wiser — and more likely and capable of overturning the government. The Entire Four-Year Biden Disaster And thus enjoy an even more successful second term.

3. He fears that what he has done will destroy democracy The lie of collusion with RussiaThe Russian disinformation laptop farce, two first-term impeachments while Republicans lost the House, former President Trump being tried in the Senate as a private citizen, the effort to remove Trump from state ballots, and five criminal and civil sham lawsuits designed to bankrupt a leading presidential candidate and keep him from campaigning — all of these could backfire on the left.

So she is absolutely terrified that her unconstitutional efforts to destroy Trump will apparently be used against her — because she knows that if she returns to power, she will attack her enemies in the same ways she used to destroy Trump.

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That is, they have destroyed norms and set dangerous new precedents which, they believe, given their Jacobin nature, they will themselves react against.

4. The left is terrified that the growing resentment among voters now extends to traditional Democratic constituencies – Latinos, blacks, Asians, Jews, the young and even the college educated. And the left privately understands that these defections are not just due to hatefulness and insanity Joe BidenBut his far-left agenda has left us with hideous inflation, wildly unbalanced federal deficits, a deadly open border, 10 million unauthorized and often dangerous illegal aliens, foreign policy disasters, racial and tribal inequality, rising urban crime, and cultural extremism.

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Leftists admit that secretly they blame cognitively challenged Joe for their dilemmas, but deep inside they know that “the fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves” — that is, in their own failed revolution, which has thoroughly disappointed Americans and nearly destroyed the country.

5. Over the next five months, the left and the Democrats know they must flatter to save themselves. But the more flattery Biden offers, the more blatant, disgusting, and repulsive the flattery will become.

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The public is fed up with Biden’s 11th-hour bluffing to rescue himself from his own self-created oblivion. And the more, in his final days as president, he withdraws even more from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the more he forgives student loan debt, the more he leaves Israel to win A few thousand votes in MichiganThe more he pressures the Fed to lower interest rates, the more he rolls back on tariffs, and the more he grants broad amnesty to illegal aliens — the more his efforts to temporarily appease particular voter groups at the expense of the country’s general interest arouse the hatred of the country at large.

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6. As we see the Left go through cycles of “denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance,” it will deny the accuracy of an allegedly inaccurate swing state poll, then angrily denounce an allegedly ignorant, malleable electorate.

Then people on the left will start dreaming up all sorts of solutions (not least of which is changing or overturning voting laws), then they will become gloomy about the entire American project, and eventually accept whatever comes next as inevitable.

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