Trump’s highlighting of shocking murder of mother allegedly killed by illegal immigrant is reminiscent of effective 2016 strategy

Trump’s highlighting of shocking murder of mother allegedly killed by illegal immigrant is reminiscent of effective 2016 strategy

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East President Donald Trump’s The phone call to the mother of a Maryland woman who was allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant mirrors a similar strategy of reaching out to “angel families” during the 2016 election, an effective tactic that personalized the border issue and put it front and center in his campaign.

In conversation Thursday with Patty Morin — the mother of Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five who was allegedly killed by an assailant illegal immigrant Trump expressed his support for the Maureen family — who “fled” the country last year — during the conversation, which lasted about 20 minutes.

Patty Morin said in a press release issued by her attorney that she was “deeply touched by President Trump’s kindness and concern.”

“He was genuine and genuinely wanted to know how our family was coping,” she said. “He asked about Rachel and offered his sincere sympathy for her untimely death. His words comforted me during this difficult time.”

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Rachel Morin, left; her alleged killer Victor Hernandez-Martinez, right

Victor Hernandez-Martinez (right) is accused of the rape and murder of Rachel Morin on August 5, 2023 in Bel Air, Maryland. (Hartford County Sheriff’s Office/Tulsa Police Department)

The call was one of many Trump has made to families dealing with similar problems, where he has offered hope and compassion to those who have lost family members or other loved ones in recent years due to heinous acts committed by individuals who came to the U.S. illegally.

in February, Trump approached Laken offered condolences to the parents of Riley — the Georgia nursing student who was brutally murdered, allegedly by an illegal immigrant — and described them as “incredible people” who were “heartbroken” by their daughter’s untimely death.

“A beautiful 22-year-old nursing student from Georgia was brutally attacked. She was on a morning walk … She was a beautiful young woman,” the former president said during a visit to the southern border. “I spoke to her parents yesterday, they’re incredible people. They’re incredibly saddened. She was so beautiful in so many ways.”

During his campaign for president in 2016, amid several high-profile deaths of Americans at the hands of illegal immigrants, Trump attempted to bring the issue to national attention.

Fatal Shooting of Kate Steinle In July 2015, a national debate about illegal immigration and so-called “sanctuary cities” erupted. José Inés García Zarate, 32, was shot and killed as she walked on Pier 14 in San Francisco with her father and a family friend.

Illegal immigrant suspect in Rachel Morin murder case fled to US after being released 3 times: ICE

Kate Steinle's family, mother holding a photo of Kate

James Steinley and Liz Sullivan, Kate Steinley’s parents, at their home in Livermore, California. (Michael Macor/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)

Garcia Zarate, an illegal immigrant from Mexico who was later acquitted of the murder, had been deported five times and was wanted for deportation for the sixth time when Steinley was shot. Trump later mentioned verdict of not guilty He called the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Steinle murder case “shameful” and insisted there was “no wonder” why Americans were “so angry about illegal immigration.”

Trump welcomes several people on stage at a campaign rally in April 2016. “Angel Family” — a term to describe relatives of victims killed by illegal immigrants in the U.S. — to share their thoughts on the issue and display photos of their lost loved ones.

At one point Trump handed the microphone to Jamiel Shaw, whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant who had been released from jail on a gun charge the day before.

Highlighting the fact that his son was killed “by an illegal alien accused of carrying a gun for the third time,” Shaw said at the time, “We demand Americans first.”

Donald Trump at a 2016 campaign event "Angel Family"

Then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump brings a group of people on stage at a campaign rally in Costa Mesa, California, on April 28, 2016, whose relatives were murdered by illegal immigrants. (David McNew/AFP via Getty Images)

Trump described Shaw as a “great man” at the rally and emphasized that people like him “have the same story to tell” about how “people who shouldn’t have been here, people who should never have been allowed to come across the border” had his family taken away from him.

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Because of his support for the families, as well as his vow to “stop” the killings of innocent Americans by illegal immigrants, Trump said he would “not join the fight against illegal immigration.” received Shaw’s support Before the 2016 elections, many others like him had also expressed their opinion on this issue.


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