UCLA’s Medical School, Black Americans, and the Epidemic of Inferiority

UCLA’s Medical School, Black Americans, and the Epidemic of Inferiority

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Recent breed controversies UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine It reminded me once again of one of the most devastating and pressing issues facing black people today: inferiority.

What struck me most about this controversial scandal was how the school was accused of sacrificing merit at the altar of diversity by admitting an undeserving black student.

UCLA has denied the claim that they discriminated based on race and has protested the uproar. However, their own dean said he does not agree that the UCLA dean discriminated based on race. medical School Runs fellowships only for minorities which violates California law that prohibits public entities from using race as a consideration in any case.

Still, the allegations surprised me in several ways. First, we are not talking about the humanities or political sciences, where mistakes can easily be hidden, but rather we are talking about a medical school whose sole mission is to prepare a future wave of doctors capable of saving lives.

Whether these allegations are true or false, the question is how did we get here? Are black Americans really so inferior that some institutions would consider bowing to them it Is this enough to accommodate our perceived inferiority?

Under slavery and segregation, we were told by whites and our country’s laws that our inferiority, our inhumanity, was the reason for our slavery. Since the 1960s, many of us have made a point of embracing our new-found freedom to prove that our skin color does not limit our abilities. Yet, due largely to leftist policies and its prevailing attitudes, that nagging inferiority continues to haunt us.

Today’s controversy arose because many teachers have been insisting that The ideology of DEI To the point where sometimes skin color is everything. And it’s very disturbing that even a medical school is allegedly prioritizing race over skill.

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Perhaps the worst part about this whole thing is that it undermines truly talented black students. I know there are very good black students at that school who are fully qualified to get there. I see this talent every day in my poor South Side neighborhood. One of my students, who grew up in the projects next to my church, is now getting his education at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab. Is it fair to stigmatize these talented black students with an inferiority complex?

Will he be viewed through a DEI lens that values ​​skin color above all else? Will his contributions be questioned after this controversy, even if the university has said it’s not true? Will there always be suspicions?

Black author and commentator Shelby Steele once wrote that “when people argue for diversity and, thus, for racial preferences, black students are effectively Sambo-ized. They are given an inferiority complex so profound that nothing can overcome it, not even good schools and high family incomes.”

DEI officials across the US are guilty of stigmatizing blacks to the point that it amounts to a form of punishment. Not only do these blacks have to work nights and nights to get into these highly prestigious programs, but they now have to prove themselves over and over again – like Sisyphus – against this stigma of inferiority.

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And, all because someone wanted a certain skin tone on their campus or in their company. If that’s not racism, I don’t know what is.

Sadly, there is another aspect of this inferiority — one that affects my neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago. To be born in my neighborhood is to be born into a world of inferiority created by one liberal policy after another since the 1960s. When I look at a newborn baby, a part of me can’t help but think about how that child will grow up affected by these policies of dependency, policies created by people who don’t believe in that child’s ability to succeed in life.

They will never give that child a way out of inferiority: a quality education, an emphasis on two-parent homes, teaching the value of hard work, discipline, resilience, responsibility, and accountability. What they will do instead is let this child drift through life, never asking for anything, and if that child has a dream they will compensate for that inferiority by relying on racial preference to make way.

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That is why I firmly believe that inferiority is one of the biggest problems facing black America. The only way for members of my community to overcome this inferiority is to reject it completely. When our people marched for their rights in the 1960s, they claimed that they were no different from any race and that they were just as capable.

Now is the time to stand on our feet, sink or swim.

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