US energy giants express concern over Biden’s climate rules targeting power plants

US energy giants express concern over Biden’s climate rules targeting power plants

Duke Energy, one of the nation’s largest energy providers, is warning the Biden administration New finalized power plant rules The reliability and affordability of power supply will be at risk.

The North Carolina-based company — which serves more than eight million residential and commercial customers in several states, primarily in the Southeast — warned that regulations could present further challenges in keeping with rising power demand across the country. . thursday morning Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the White House unveiled rules targeting fossil fuel-fired power plants.

“Duke Energy’s 8.4 million customers expect and deserve clean energy that is affordable, reliable and fast,” Duke Energy spokesperson Caitlin Kirshner said in a statement to Fox News Digital. “Our charge – and we believe the charge of policymakers – is to optimize those three customer needs – not to solve any one.”

He added, “The final rule presents significant challenges to customer reliability and affordability, as well as limits our ability to become a global leader in chips, artificial intelligence and advanced manufacturing.”

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Several industry associations representing electricity providers warned that the Biden administration’s rules would threaten the stability of the nation’s electricity grid. (Getty Images)

Under the rules, all coal-fired plants that are scheduled to remain operational for a long time and all new, baseload gas-fired plants will be required to curb 90% of their carbon emissions. The rule also tightens emissions standards related to toxic metal and wastewater discharges for coal-fired plants.

EPA and White House officials say the set of environmental rules will help the US achieve President Biden’s goals Decarbonizing the country’s power grid, Shortly after taking office, Biden pledged to enable the nation to reduce total emissions by 52% by 2030 and create a carbon-free power sector by 2035.

Duke Energy’s resistance, however, underscores the tension between Biden’s ambitious, renewable energy goals and the power companies that will ultimately be tasked with converting their fleets to the energy. dominance of green energy sources, namely wind and solar. According to federal data, natural gas and coal currently produce 43% and 16% of the nation’s electricity, respectively, while wind and solar generate 10% and 4%.

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“The path outlined today by EPA is illegal, unrealistic and impossible,” said Jim Matheson, CEO of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. “This undermines electricity reliability and creates serious consequences for an already stressed electric grid. The American economy cannot succeed without reliable electricity. Smart energy policy recognizes that fundamental truth and seeks to keep the lights on. “Works to help.”

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan said in a statement Thursday, “By developing these standards in a clear, transparent, inclusive way, EPA is cutting pollution and ensuring power companies can make smart investments and “To continue to provide reliable electricity for all Americans.” (AP Photo/Ivan Vucci, File)

America’s Power, a group that advocate coal poweremphasized that the rule is an “excessive and unlawful overreach that threatens America’s reliable and affordable electricity supply.”

The American Petroleum Institute, which represents the U.S. natural gas and oil industry, expressed concern that the administration has failed to consider grid reliability and should instead remove barriers to the construction of new power generation.

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And Dan Brouillette, president and CEO of the Edison Electric Institute, which represents all U.S. investor-owned electric companies, praised much of the EPA’s rulemaking but criticized the agency’s reliance on carbon capture and storage (CCS). of.

A huge plume at the coal-fired Brandon Shores Power Plant is spewing emissions

The coal-fired Brandon Shores Power Plant in Baltimore is one of several plants scheduled to close in the coming years. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

The CCS, which the EPA says will play a key role in helping power plants meet the stricter regulations, has been criticized. expensive and emerging technology Which captures power plant emissions before they enter the atmosphere.

“CCS is not yet ready for full-scale, economy-wide deployment, nor is there enough time to permit, finance and build the CCS infrastructure needed for compliance by 2032,” Brouillette said.

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Overall, as federal and state government agencies push to electrify the residential, commercial and transportation sectors, electricity demand is expected to grow 2.5% and 3.2% in 2024 and 2025, respectively, according to the Energy Information Administration .

Also, a staggering 22.3 GW of coal-fired power generation capacity is lost in 2022 and 2023. Another 13 gigawatts are expected to be finished in the next two years.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment for the purposes of this story.


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