Vegetarian restaurant owner who faced backlash for adding meat to his menu reveals the big change he made

Vegetarian restaurant owner who faced backlash for adding meat to his menu reveals the big change he made

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Molly Engelhart’s restaurants have long been a staple of vegan dining in Los Angeles, but recently she’s Controversial decisions The move to include meat and dairy products on the menu has caused anger and some confusion.

Now, Engelhart is speaking out about the move and why her opinions on veganism have changed.

Sage Plant Based Bistro Sage became Regenerative Kitchen & Brewery, drawing strong backlash after Engelhart announced the change on social media last month. Since May 29, Sage has been serving animal products such as beef, bison, cheese and eggs.

He told in an interview Fox News Digital His opinions on veganism have changed since opening his first restaurant in 2011. Previously, Engelhart said he believed veganism was best for the environment and the earth, but after years of research, he now believes a diet that includes dairy and meat, when eaten responsibly, is actually better for the environment.

“There’s a lot of misinformation about the environment, and we get stuck in these ruts, and it’s like, ‘I’m a conservative, I hate the environment’ or ‘I’m a liberal, I love the environment,’ but I think none of those are true,” he said. “Everybody needs healthy soil, forget about carbon, credits, windmills, solar panels and Teslas.”

in one earth day instagram messages, Engelhart explained that the restaurant’s menu will focus on foods grown with regenerative agricultural practices, an approach to farming that prioritizes soil health, biodiversity and natural processes. Regenerative Farmers of America.

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“We all want to eat healthy food from healthy soil that doesn’t have chemicals in it … it’s a very basic desire,” he said.

Engelhart said she was raised by “hippie” parents and grew up on a vegetarian, mostly vegan diet. Her father is the founder of Café Gratitude and Gracias Madre, which, along with Sage, are among the largest vegan restaurants in the Los Angeles area.

“We all got involved with a pure heart, thinking this was best for human health and for everyone,” he said.

Mollie Engelhart

Mollie Engelhart (Mollie Engelhart)

Then, over time, he and his father began farming and came to different conclusions about what was best for both the environment and human health.

“I had a farm in California because I was a vegetarian,” she said. “I thought cow dung was the problem, and then I realized food waste is a huge problem and it’s rotting in our landfills.”

Engelhardt said she had a “fantasy” that she could have a sanctuary farm where no animal would ever die, but quickly realized that wasn’t possible.

She said, “I had this religious attitude that I was somehow better off by not causing harm, and that my food was causing as much harm as it could.” She soon realized that even the food she thought of as “vegan” was made from or fertilized with animal products.

When she decided to move away from a fully vegan menu at her restaurants, she expected a disappointing response, but said she stayed true to the brand’s mission.

“My commitment has always been to clean eating,” she said. “I don’t serve the Impossible Burger, I don’t serve any fake meat, I don’t believe in processed food. So, for me, it’s always been about whole foods and so now I’m incorporating whole foods like eggs and meat.”

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“I’m still not going to use processed foods, and I’m still not going to use chemicals, so I’m going to stay pretty true to my beliefs and identity,” she said. “I’m just doing it from a different perspective, which is what’s bothering people.”

Engelhardt said the “degenerative” farming system that currently dominates much of the industry uses too many chemicals, tillage and plowing.

He said the goals of regenerative farming are no or very little tillage, which reduces soil disruption, greater integration of livestock, including allowing animals to graze between crop plantings, greater biodiversity, which comes from planting a variety of crops, and overall less use of chemicals.

Sage Regenerative Kitchen and Brewery

Sage Regenerative Kitchen and Brewery (Mollie Engelhart)

“This is an incredible tool and while everyone is busy spreading fear and selling solar panels and windmills, this is a solution that is extraordinary for human health, soil health, planetary health and all of our gut microbiology,” he said.

Engelhardt acknowledged that the environment is a divisive topic, but he believes the conversation should be about clean water, soil and air, not this “esoteric threat that we’re all going to burn in hell and that we’re a pandemic on the planet.”

He said, “I believe that regenerative farming and eating foods derived from regenerative agricultural systems, including animal integration, is the most important thing we can do for our personal health and the health of our environment.”

Engelhardt considers there to be “two sides” of the vegan community: one that is genuinely committed to health and the environment, and another that advocates for animals.

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“I think that someone who cares about their personal health and the environment would probably be willing to come and eat at my restaurant,” she said. “I think that the person who just thinks like: ‘If you intentionally, knowingly kill an animal, you’re a killer’ … me and that person, I can’t have a conversation based on any logic.”

Venison Patty Melt

Venison Patty Melt (Taylor Bescoby)

Engelhardt said he expects vegan restaurants and vegan diets to continue.

“If you agree with me 80% or 70% of the time, I’m fine with that, and I want you to be able to have a different opinion than mine,” she said. “I think all of America, not just the vegan (community), we’re in this cancel culture world where we think everybody has to agree with us all the time.”

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Fox News’ Nick Lanum contributed to this report.


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