What are the key lifestyle changes that can help combat Alzheimer’s disease?

What are the key lifestyle changes that can help combat Alzheimer’s disease?

around 55 million people worldwide Madness and about 70 percent of them Alzheimer’s diseaseThe most common type of dementia is Alzheimer’s dementia which is a degenerative brain disorder that involves a progressive loss of memory especially for recent events that gradually gets worse. The person may frequently lose his/her belongings, ask the same questions repeatedly, lose directions in familiar surroundings, have difficulty multitasking or performing activities in the proper order, have behavioral disturbances, and so on, eventually becoming dependent for all activities of daily living.
In dementia, a malfunction of brain proteins causes neurons to degenerate and the connections between them to disappear.
The exact causes of Alzheimer’s disease are not known, however, many factors may be responsible, including environmental, genetic and lifestyle factors. Genetic factors are rare.
Research has shown that maintaining a healthy weight and a physically active lifestyle helps reduce the risk of developing dementia. A routine of physical exercises, which may include gentle stretching of joints and muscles, simple yoga postures, deep breathing exercises, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc., to regular physiotherapy as per individual needs and concomitant disabilities, are all helpful. The important thing is that the person practices the chosen exercises consistently and regularly as it creates a rhythm and discipline in the body and mind and an overall harmony in the biological system. A customized exercise program for each individual helps reduce the risk of many health problems, including dementia.
It is pertinent to mention that Diet and Nutrition Care should be taken that the daily diet includes adequate fiber in the form of vegetables and fruits, adequate protein, carbohydrates and fats and adequate fluids, giving sufficient variety to the meals so that they remain enjoyable and tasty and at the same time consistent with the nutritional value of the food. Generally, diets followed throughout life are the best to continue, rather than exotic diet plans and foods, but the diet should be adjusted to reduce unhealthy elements. Moderation in diet and exercise is the best policy for adequate functioning of all bodily functions, including the brain.

Keeping blood pressure and blood sugar under control with the help of diet, exercise and medications as per recommended guidelines, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and refraining from smoking also play an important role in reducing the risk of dementia.
Ensuring adequate and refreshing sleep is a very important factor in maintaining brain health. Keeping your mind busy with mental activities like crossword puzzles, Sudoku and puzzle games, engaging in artistic activities like drawing, painting, music, dance, etc. is very helpful in increasing the neurons and connections between the right and left sides of the brain, leading to better cognition overall.
Any hearing problem must be identified and addressed in the best possible manner, to ensure proper communication and engagement of the individual with his environment. Hearing loss often leads to isolation and loss of social connectivity which has an adverse effect on brain health.
Getting involved in social activities and keeping up with friends and family, keeping in touch with and following religious practices, and being a part of various communities that interest you helps keep one’s mind and emotions engaged in life and helps prevent brain decay. Reading and writing good books activates various cognitive domains that help wire and rewire neural circuits and make you prosper. Doing any activity that brings joy to a person, which may vary from person to person, goes a long way in preserving brain function.

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Psychological issues like anxiety, fear, depression, social maladjustment, etc. lead to a loss of interest in life, which in turn can trigger brain decay. As much as possible, one should try to reduce stress and learn to relax, trying to maintain happiness and enthusiasm in life. Letting go of grudges, minor frustrations and rigidity towards people helps a lot in making the mind flexible and open and helps in the plasticity of brain circuits. These issues should be identified and addressed with the help of family and professionals as needed.
Having a goal or at least one objective in your daily routine keeps a person motivated and excited about life and helps in maintaining a healthy mind.
Ultimately, spiritual inclination broadens and deepens one’s thoughts and emotions and can be very helpful in leading a smooth life with a healthy mind and body.
(Author: Dr. Parul Dubey, Consultant – Neurology, Manipal Hospital Goa)


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