Why does Donald Trump want to shut down the US Department of Education? Pros and cons, feasibility, debate and more

Why does Donald Trump want to shut down the US Department of Education? Pros and cons, feasibility, debate and more

former president donald trump The proposal to shut down the US has reignited a debate Education Department (DOE) has advocated returning the right to education back to the states. This proposal raised at recent rallies is nothing new; Trump also floated similar ideas during his 2016 campaign. While the notion of abolishing the Department of Education (DOE) has been gaining traction in some conservative circles, the feasibility of such a move is uncertain. It raises important questions about whether it is politically possible and what its potential implications might be.
US Department of Energy: Why does Trump want to eliminate it?
Trump claims that despite spending more per student, the country’s education system is worse than other developed nations. His broader argument is that many U.S. states could manage education more effectively and at a lower cost if they were given full control. He suggests that most states would do well without federal oversight.
Trump’s desire to eliminate the Department of Education is not solely financial, however. For conservatives like Trump, education should be managed locally, since the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly mention a federal role in this area. To them, the department represents unnecessary federal overreach. Republicans have long pushed for its elimination, arguing that local control would allow schools to better align with community values ​​and reduce bureaucratic inefficiencies. Critics of the department also point to what they see as overreach under Democratic administrations, such as policies about civil rights enforcement and student discipline and protections for LGBTQ students. Supporters of local control note that states have been successful in implementing innovations like charter schools and educational savings accounts, which are often stifled by federal bureaucracy. For Trump and his allies, eliminating the department is consistent with his broader push for smaller government and a more local approach to governance.
A long-standing dilemma in America: Should the Department of Education be abolished?
The question of whether or not the U.S. Department of Education (DoE) should be abolished has been a recurring topic in American political discussion. Established in 1979 under President Jimmy Carter, the DoE was created to consolidate federal education functions and ensure a more organized approach to educational policy and funding. The purpose of the department’s creation was to address inequities in education and ensure that all students have access to a quality education. However, since its inception, the DoE has faced scrutiny and opposition.
Inception and initial criticisms: The establishment of the DoE was controversial from the start. Critics argued that education should remain a state and local responsibility, reflecting the federal government’s minimal role in education outlined by the U.S. Constitution. Opponents believed the creation of a federal department would lead to unnecessary bureaucracy and government overreach, a sentiment that persisted for decades.
The Reagan Era and Efforts for Abolition: During the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan, a strong supporter of reducing federal intervention, made efforts to eliminate the DoE. Reagan’s administration argued that the department’s functions could be handled more efficiently at the state level and that federal control created inefficiencies and infringed on local autonomy. Despite these efforts, the department remained intact, largely due to political resistance and the practical challenges of eliminating a federal agency.
DoE during the Clinton and Bush administrations: The debate over the Department of Education continued into the 1990s and early 2000s. During President Bill Clinton’s tenure, the department played a key role in educational reforms, including the implementation of Goals 2000: Educate America Act, which aimed to improve educational standards and accountability. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, introduced during President George W. Bush’s tenure, further increased the department’s role in setting educational standards and testing requirements.
Benefits of abolishing the education department
More local control: Eliminating the Department of Education could increase local control, allowing states and communities to tailor education policies to their specific needs. Local officials are often in a position to better understand the unique challenges their students face, whether related to culture, the economy, or regional inequities. With less federal oversight and red tape, communities can implement flexible approaches that align with their values ​​and priorities, ensuring more relevant curriculum and resource allocation. Proponents argue that this shift would spur innovation, reduce bureaucracy, and enable schools to focus on improving educational outcomes based on local strategies and real-world needs.
Reduction of federal spending: Eliminating the DoE could potentially reduce federal spending. Some supporters claim that cutting the department’s budget, which was about $79 billion in 2023, according to EducationWeek, would reduce the federal deficit and ease the burden on taxpayers. The 2024 budget was also about $79.1 billion, but it was signed into law after months of repeated proposals. The 2025 budget request is $82.4 billion, which is less than the requested budgets for 2024 and 2023, but more than the enacted budgets for those years.
Reduction in red tapeSupporters also believe that eliminating the department would reduce bureaucratic red tape, allowing states to innovate and implement education reforms more effectively. They believe the Department of Education often takes a single approach that may not be appropriate for all states or districts.
Disadvantages of abolishing the education department
Loss of federal oversight and fundingCritics argue that the Department of Education plays a vital role in ensuring equal access to quality education, enforcing civil rights laws, and providing oversight to prevent discrimination. Eliminating it could weaken protections for marginalized groups, including students with disabilities and those from low-income backgrounds.
Effect on student aid: Closing the U.S. Department of Education would likely disrupt two major funding programs, currently totaling more than $30 billion, that support children with disabilities and students from low-income families. These programs, established by Congress, are critical to providing targeted assistance and resources to schools serving these vulnerable populations. Without the department’s oversight, there could be significant uncertainty about how these funds would be allocated and managed. The absence of a federal body to administer these programs could lead to a reduction in aid or inconsistencies in funding, potentially harming educational opportunities for these disadvantaged groups.
Inequality likely to increaseOpponents fear that eliminating the Department of Education could increase inequalities between states. Wealthy states could maintain or improve their education systems, while poorer states could struggle without federal aid, widening the education gap across the country.
Is it possible to abolish the US Department of Energy?
Eliminating the Department of Education is a complex task that would require congressional action. The DoE, established in 1979 as a cabinet-level agency, was created to promote student achievement and preparation for global competition by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equitable access. To abolish the department, Congress would need to pass legislation to abolish it, a significant political hurdle. Even with a Republican majority, it could be challenging to find consensus to shut down a federal agency that oversees key functions such as federal student loans and civil rights in education.
Although the president cannot unilaterally disband the DoE, many of the policy goals associated with Trump’s vision could be implemented through executive orders. For example, funding for certain programs could be cut, or regulatory changes could be introduced to reduce the department’s influence. However, such actions would not amount to a complete abolition of the department and could face legal challenges.
Whether Trump’s plan is possible or impossible is still uncertain, but its consequences could be far-reaching, and potentially profoundly alter the landscape of American education.


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