Why does the US Surgeon General want warning labels on social media?

Why does the US Surgeon General want warning labels on social media?

Let’s face it, social media has turned out to be a mixed bag. Sure, it promised to connect us all in ways we never imagined, but the reality is this: the negatives are starting to outweigh the positive aspects.

It’s funny how your birth year can completely influence your outlook on this digital playground. Some of us might ignore the issue, thinking it’s “no big deal,” while others go to extremes, ditching their smartphones and using old-fashioned flip phones to avoid the social media circus. It seems we’re all trying to figure out our own social media survival strategy.

And then there are parents. Oh boy, are they along for the ride, especially if they have teens. They’re busy making up rules before they can even say “TikTok,” so as to keep their kids safe in this wild digital world. But here’s the thing: it seems like they’re participating in a never-ending race. Just when they think they can handle things, boom, another app or platform pops up, and they’re back to the starting position. It’s like trying to apply jelly to a wall — frustrating, messy, and seemingly impossible.

Welcome to the age of social media, where the only constant is change.

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Why does the US Surgeon General want warning labels on social media?

Mother and daughter looking at social media (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutson)

Dangers of social media

Social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, but their impact on mental health, productivity, and even politics has gotten steadily worse over the years. Although awareness of the issue has been raised, helping people learn how to set boundaries, we still can’t keep up with what social media will do next.

Here are some of the dangers of social media:

1) Getting in touch with scammersChildren and teens are vulnerable to online fraud and scams.

2) Excessive screen timeLong-term use of social media can lead to physical and mental health problems, including eye strain, poor posture, and sleep disruption.

3) Dopamine-driven notificationsReceiving frequent notifications can lead to addictive behavior patterns, which can increase anxiety and decrease the ability to concentrate.

4) Negative Body ImageSocial media often promotes unrealistic body standards, leading to body dissatisfaction and eating disorders.

5) CyberbullyingMany young users face online harassment and bullying, which can cause serious psychological distress.

6) Dealing with false news: The spread of misinformation and fake news on social media can impact young minds and increase anxiety and confusion.

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What does the US Surgeon General want to implement?

This is not the first time that issues related to social media have reached the government. Recently, US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy called on Congress to impose warning labels on social media apps to highlight the potential harm these platforms can cause to young people.

Murthy’s push for this warning label aligns with long-standing concerns of youth advocates and lawmakers who have criticised social media giants such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat for their harmful effects on children. These effects include promoting mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, cyber bullying, vulnerability to predators and, in the worst cases, suicide.

In fact, according to the report NIH“…age-adjusted suicide rates have risen steadily in the United States over the past decade, with suicide being the second most common cause of death among youth. Therefore, the increase in suicide rates parallels a simultaneous increase in social media use. In addition, the rate of non-suicidal self-injury among young people ranges between 14% and 21%.”

Meanwhile, according to the article, “New York state lawmakers passed legislation this month barring social media platforms from serving up “addictive” algorithmic content to users under 18 without parental consent.”

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Why does the US Surgeon General want warning labels on social media?

Teenager looking at social media (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutson)

Balancing the pros and cons of social media screen time

What can we expect if this happens?

If this warning gets approved by Congress, it will certainly be some time before we see a “warning label,” and it’s unclear what exactly it will look like. But if it does, here’s what could potentially happen:


increase awarenessWarning labels can make parents and teens more aware of the potential mental health risks associated with social media use.

Behavior ChangesSimilar to the effect of tobacco warning labels, these could encourage healthier social media habits and reduce use among vulnerable groups.

Pressure on social media companiesCompanies may be forced to implement stricter security measures and better content moderation practices to avoid legal and public relations issues.


Resistance from tech companiesPowerful social media companies may lobby against this law, resulting in lengthy legal battles and delays in implementation.

Perceived inadequacyWarning labels alone could be considered a minimal effort, inadequate to address the deeper, systemic issues of social media’s impact on mental health.

Potential StigmaWarning labels can inadvertently stigmatise social media use, creating fear or anxiety rather than informed, balanced use.

Why does the US Surgeon General want warning labels on social media?

An adult on social media (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutson)

How can you protect yourself in the meantime?

Depending on what your own stance on social media is, the fact is that it has the potential to cause harm to a lot of vulnerable people, especially children and teens. And if you’re not in this demographic but still struggle to manage your social media use, there are a few ways you can limit your time:

1) Set boundaries: This isn’t easy for everyone, but make it your goal to limit screen time and set specific times of the day to check social media to prevent overuse. You can check how much time you spend on screens by looking at the “screen-time” function on your device.

2) Manage notificationsTurn off non-essential notifications to reduce constant interruptions and the dopamine-driven urge to check your phone.

3) Don’t give out sensitive information online: Always be careful what information and pictures you put online. It’s never too hard for someone to find them.

4) Log out of social media from your phone: Not installing social media apps on your device and logging out of them on the browser (they make it easy to log in again with one click, so you don’t have to go through the extra effort) can help you stay off social media.

5) Don’t take anything personally: Although social media can be a dangerous tool, and any form of harassment, stalking, or other abuse should be reported to authorities, most negative people on social media are “trolls.” Ignore them, don’t engage with them, and report them to the platform if necessary.

6) Get a dumb phone: A lot of people are selling their smartphones. Dumb PhoneWhich helps them stay away from social media.

7) Set up parental controls: Phones, laptops and other tablets have parental controls that parents can use to limit their child’s social media activity. But it’s also important to talk to them about the dangers of social media, and if they’re allowed to use it, what the ground rules are. Get my top four child monitoring programs of 2024,

How to spot sneaky social media notifications and gain control

Kurt’s main points

Social media is fine if used appropriately, responsibly, and in moderation. But it’s important to take seriously the potential for harm, especially if you’re a parent and/or someone who already suffers from anxiety or depression. Basically, if it’s giving you more than it’s taking from you, it’s probably time to rethink your relationship with your social media platform or at least put some restrictions on it.

Do you impose social media restrictions on yourself and/or your children? If yes, why? And what do you think about warning labels on social media platforms? Let us know by writing to us at Cyberguy.com/contact,

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