Why Trump’s blue district barnstorming is a bad sign for Biden

Why Trump’s blue district barnstorming is a bad sign for Biden

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Former President Donald Trump He is set to deliver a speech in North Philadelphia on Saturday, the next stop in an unconventional but highly effective strategy for his 2024 presidential campaign.

It all started, like so many things in life, with a trip to a bodega. New York CityAnd now it has become a central issue of the former president’s third term in the White House.

In April, at the start of a criminal trial that put his re-election campaign on hold for weeks, Donald Trump arrived after court for an impromptu and almost spontaneous little rally at a local store in Harlem.

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Within minutes, images began spreading on social media of a diverse crowd chanting Trump’s name, with a kind of celebrity charm we haven’t seen from a politician since at least. Barack Obama,

Trump then took his show to the Wildwood Boardwalk. dark blue new jerseyHe will then attend a rally in the Bronx, followed by an event at a black church in Detroit, and on Saturday Trump will deliver a speech in North Philadelphia.

Voters want to be listened to, they don’t want to be discriminated against, which is why simply voting has proven so effective against Trump.

For those who don’t know much about North Philly, it’s one of the worst neighborhoods in one of the worst cities in America. Its mostly black and Hispanic residents have suffered crime, drugs, and poverty for generations under Democrats.

But it’s also a place Republicans have often been afraid to go, or maybe they just haven’t bothered to do so, because they don’t really think they can win there.

And no, Donald Trump is not going to win a majority of voters in North Philly or Florida. The BronxBut that’s not the real issue. The point is that he’s showing up, listening, and offering a real option to frustrated Democratic voters.

To put it bluntly, the timing couldn’t be better, as residents of poor urban areas are suffering the most from Joe Biden’s faltering economy and meanwhile witnessing the president’s policies that give hotel rooms, meals, even cash cards, to illegal immigrants.

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Trump doesn’t need to win these places, but if he can move the needle, as polls show he is doing, especially in swing state cities like Philly, Atlanta and Detroit, Biden’s path to a second term will be as narrow as the eye of a needle.

Another advantage for Trump in this blue district is that, as is true of much in this election, Joe Biden Can’t even come close to replicating it.

Joe Biden can’t go and hold events in small towns painted ruby ​​red. First, he’s made it clear that he considers most of those voters to be dangerous MAGA extremists, and second, he clearly can’t handle the rigor of such rallies.

Biden’s only real claim to minority voters, that if you don’t vote Democrat you’re not black, is that Trump is some kind of horrible racist, but even that worn-out claim is now losing all grip.

Voters want to be listened to, they don’t want to be judged, which is why simply voting has proven so effective against Trump.

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Republicans, apart from the Trump name, could learn some lessons here. Maybe the Grand Old Party is too willing to accept minority or urban voters. Maybe the Democrats’ hegemonic power in these areas is finally being seen as a decades-long disaster.

If Trump’s rise to power in a once sluggish and stable G.O.P. is a sign of anything, it’s that the fundamentals of American politics are changing. Things that once seemed impossible are happening. And with the Democrats continuing to lurch to the crazy left, literally anything can happen.

It has been widely noted that prior to Donald Trump, he was the last Republican presidential candidate to appear in the Bronx. Ronald ReaganAnother politician who has the power to redraw old political maps.

This was in 1984, but four years earlier, when there was a debate going on against the Constitution of India. jimmy carterThe Gipper introduced a new question into the American political vocabulary when he asked, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”

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Today, in North Philly, Trump will pose that very question to a gathered crowd, and the evidence is growing that for most of those in attendance, the answer will be no.

Win or lose, Trump should be credited for reaching out to all Americans. In the end, it’s the only thing that can bring our fractured society back together again.

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